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2024 Dads Day and Reading Challenge Kickoff

Dr. Hunter-McGregor speaking to parents.
Trustee Mitchell speaking with parents.
Dad reading to children.
Teacher reading to students.
School counselor speaking to parents.
Student standing with mom and dad.
Students reading together.
Crowd of students and dads holding up books.-
Group of students reading together.
Two students reading.
Dad reading to class with his child on lap.
Graham Staff Holding up sign
Students holding up their books.
Dr. Doggett speaking to school community.
Dad helping child with reading.
Student reading.
Parent liaisons speaking to parents.
Dad smiling with his daughter outside.
Student speaking to crowd.
Father reading with his son.
child sitting next to her father with books.
Group of students reading with a dad.
Dad helping his daughter with reading.
Dad helping his child with reading.
Students reading and laughing.
Group of students reading together.
Dad sitting with daughter in class.
Dad sitting with daughter in class.
Dad sitting next to daughter and smiling.
Dad smiling with his child.
Dad sitting next to his son who was smiling.
Dad sitting next to child in her class.
Dad standing with his child and smiling.
Dad sitting in class listening to presentation.
Dad sitting next to his child.
Dad sitting next to child smiling.
Dad helping child with school work.
Dad's smiling with his child.
Dad smiling with his child at desk
Dad sitting next to child in class.
Dad sitting next to a daughter in class..
Dad looking at his child's schoolwork.
Dad sitting next to daughter in class.
Dad smiling with daughter.
Dad sitting with his child.
Dad was on my own daughter smiling.
Dad with arm around son smiling.
Dad standing next to daughter and smiling.
Dad smiling with his daughter.
Dad with arm around child smiling.
Dad looking at his son's schoolwork.
Dad sitting with his child.
Dad with arm around his daughter.
Dad with arm around his son.
Dad smiling with child.
Dad sitting next to child and smiling.
Dad smiling next to child.
Dad smiling with child.
Dad working on school work with child.
Father standing next to daughter
Child hugging father.
Dr. Hunter-McGregor next to judge speaking to parents.
Dr .Jagnandan speaking to crowd of parents.
Group of staff and parents.